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Additional References
19. The Amputee Statistical Database for the United Kingdom 2006/2007. Information Service Division NHS Scotland. Edinburgh. 2009. www.limblessstatistics.org/documents/Report2006-07.pdf
20. Dyson PA, Anthony D. Community Interventions for Health: A monograph. The Oxford Health Alliance 2015. Available at www.oxha.org/images/results.pdf (accessed 30 August 2017)
21. NHS. Five year forward view. NHS 5 year forward view 2014. Available at
https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/5yfv-web.pdf (last accessed 1st April 2018)
22. GM Combined Authority. The five year plan: How we will improve health and social care. GMCA 2017 available at http://www.gmhsc.org.uk/delivering-the-plan/ (last accessed 1st April 2018)
23. Ahmad N, Chadwick P, Fox M. A suggested whole system strategy to reduce lower limb amputations in Manchester, England – Introducing the MARS project. Podiatry Now 2017;20(7);28-31. Download here.